Patricia S. O’Sullivan is a Professor of Medicine and Surgery and Director, Research in Medical Education, at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. At UCSF, she co-directs the Teaching Scholars Program and oversees the advanced degree programs in health professions education, as well as leads efforts in facilitating educational research. Her educational research studies have collaborators from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and health-related professions. The UCSF faculty development program that she led received the international ASPIRE for Excellence Award. Dr. O’Sullivan has led the Research in Medical Education Section of the AAMC, the RIME Program Planning Committee and the Division for Professions Education of the American Educational Research Association. She is a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association and recipient of the Merrill Flair Award from the GEA, of the Outstanding Career Achievements in Medical Education from the Society of General Internal Medicine and the UCSF Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award. In 2022, she received the Harmen Tiddens Medal from the University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands. In 2024 she was honored by the Association of Surgical Educators as the Distinguished Master Educator. At UCSF, Dr. O'Sullivan is a member of the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators and was the holder of the Department of Surgery Endowed Chair in Surgical Education from 2014-2024 (term-limited).
Institution | Degree | Dept or School | End Date |
University of California | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training | 2017 | |
Rosemont College | AB | Chemistry | 5/70 |
University of Houston | EdD | Education | 12/78 |
University of Pennsylvania | MS | Chemistry | 12/71 |
In the News
June, 20, 2018 | UCSF Department of Surgery
August, 20, 2014 | UCSF General Surgery Residency Program
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