University of California San Francisco


My research addresses clinical questions by studying human subjects or patients. I collaborate with other faculty in the department on my research and provide expertise in the following areas: data analysis and statistics; mathematical modeling; data acquisition programming; human studies; respiratory physiology.

My research involvement has included multiple different projects:

•    Accuracy of pulse oximetry, including determination of methemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, and the accuracy of cerebral oximetry.
•    Organ transplantation and efforts to improve the quality of cadaveric organs.
•    Acute normovolemic hemodilution to study the tolerance of acute anemia, as a way to examine red cell transfusion thresholds.  Additionally, we have used this model to study other issues in transfusion, including TRALI.
•    The utility of somatosensory and motor evoked potential, which are used in major spine surgery to assess the integrity of spinal cord function.
•    The physiology of breathholding and drug-induced apnea.
•    High altitude physiology
•    Clinical effects of neuromuscular blockade


Institution Degree Dept or School End Date
University of California Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training 2019
University of California, San Francisco Residency School of Medicine

Board Certifications

American Board of Anesthesiology

Clinical Expertise

Kidney Transplantation

Liver Transplantation

Pancreas Transplantation

Clinical Trials

  1. Related Conditions: Hypoxia| Start Date: | End Date:
  2. Related Conditions: Hypoxia| Start Date: | End Date:
  3. Related Conditions: High Altitude| Start Date: | End Date:
  4. Related Conditions: Muscle Relaxation, Sex| Start Date: | End Date:

Program Affiliations

  • Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care
  • Department of Surgery, Division of Transplantation

Research Interests

Hypoxic ventilatory drive at altitude

Apnea with remifentanil and propofol

Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury

Neuromonitoring in Spine Anesthesia

Pulse oximeter accuracy

Physiology of acute anemia

Predictors of kidney and liver donor organ function

View Research Profile at UCSF Clinical & Translational Science Institute


  1. In Response.
    Bickler PE, Feiner JR, Lipnick M| | PubMed
  2. Open Access Data Repository and Common Data Model for Pulse Oximeter Performance Data.
    Fong N, Lipnick MS, Behnke E, Chou Y, Elmankabadi S, Ortiz L, Almond CS, Auchus I, Burnett GW, Bisegerwa R, Conrad DR, Hendrickson CM, Hooli S, Kopotic R, Leeb G, Martin D, McCollum ED, Monk EP, Moore KL, Shmuylovich L, Scott JB, Wong AI, Zhou T, Pirracchio R, Bickler PE, Feiner J, Law T| | PubMed
  3. The performance of 11 fingertip pulse oximeters during hypoxemia in healthy human participants with varied, quantified skin pigment.
    Leeb G, Auchus I, Law T, Bickler P, Feiner J, Hashi S, Monk E, Igaga E, Bernstein M, Chou YC, Hughes C, Schornack D, Lester J, Moore K, Okunlola O, Fernandez J, Shmuylovich L, Lipnick M| | PubMed
  4. Low Perfusion and Missed Diagnosis of Hypoxemia by Pulse Oximetry in Darkly Pigmented Skin: A Prospective Study.
    Gudelunas MK, Lipnick M, Hendrickson C, Vanderburg S, Okunlola B, Auchus I, Feiner JR, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  5. Quantifying pulse oximeter accuracy during hypoxemia and severe anemia using an in vitro circulation system.
    Gylys R, Feiner J, Pologe J, Delianides T, Sutter S, Bickler P, Lipnick MS| | PubMed
  6. Reducing Volatile Anesthetic Waste Using a Commercial Electronic Health Record Clinical Decision Support Tool to Lower Fresh Gas Flows.
    Olmos AV, Robinowitz D, Feiner JR, Chen CL, Gandhi S| | PubMed
  7. Frequency, Method, Intensity, and Health Sequelae of Sexual Choking Among U.S. Undergraduate and Graduate Students.
    Herbenick D, Fu TC, Eastman-Mueller H, Thomas S, Svetina Valdivia D, Rosenberg M, Guerra-Reyes L, Wright PJ, Kawata K, Feiner JR| | PubMed
  8. Pulse Oximeter Performance, Racial Inequity, and the Work Ahead.
    Okunlola OE, Lipnick MS, Batchelder PB, Bernstein M, Feiner JR, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  9. Perioperative Normal Saline Administration and Delayed Graft Function in Patients Undergoing Kidney Transplantation: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
    Kolodzie K, Cakmakkaya OS, Boparai ES, Tavakol M, Feiner JR, Kim MO, Newman TB, Niemann CU| | PubMed
  10. Anesthesia for Maternal-Fetal Interventions: A Survey of Fetal Therapy Centers in the North American Fetal Therapy Network.
    Wood CL, Zuk J, Rollins MD, Silveira LJ, Feiner JR, Zaretsky M, Chatterjee D| | PubMed
  11. Pediatric Distraction on Induction of Anesthesia With Virtual Reality and Perioperative Anxiolysis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
    Jung MJ, Libaw JS, Ma K, Whitlock EL, Feiner JR, Sinskey JL| | PubMed
  12. "Silent" Presentation of Hypoxemia and Cardiorespiratory Compensation in COVID-19.
    Bickler PE, Feiner JR, Lipnick MS, McKleroy W| | PubMed
  13. The Association Between Vena Cava Implantation Technique and Acute Kidney Injury After Liver Transplantation.
    Hannon V, Kothari RP, Zhang L, Bokoch MP, Hill R, Roll GR, Mello A, Feiner JR, Liu KD, Niemann CU, Adelmann D| | PubMed
  14. New Method of Destroying Waste Anesthetic Gases Using Gas-Phase Photochemistry.
    Rauchenwald V, Rollins MD, Ryan SM, Voronov A, Feiner JR, Šarka K, Johnson MS| | PubMed
  15. A Comparison of Spinal Anesthesia Versus Monitored Anesthesia Care With Local Anesthesia in Minimally Invasive Fetal Surgery.
    Ferschl MB, Feiner J, Vu L, Smith D, Rollins MD| | PubMed
  16. Response to Burtscher re: "Increased Cytokines at High Altitude: Lack of Effect of Ibuprofen on Acute Mountain Sickness, Physiological Variables, or Cytokine Levels".
    Bickler P, Feiner JR, Lundeberg J| | PubMed
  17. The reliability of motor evoked potentials to predict dorsiflexion injuries during lumbosacral deformity surgery: importance of multiple myotomal monitoring.
    Lieberman JA, Lyon R, Jasiukaitis P, Berven SH, Burch S, Feiner J| | PubMed
  18. Increased Cytokines at High Altitude: Lack of Effect of Ibuprofen on Acute Mountain Sickness, Physiological Variables, or Cytokine Levels.
    Lundeberg J, Feiner JR, Schober A, Sall JW, Eilers H, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  19. Correction to: Changes in transcranial motor evoked potentials during hemorrhage are associated with increased serum propofol concentrations.
    Lieberman JA, Feiner J, Rollins M, Lyon R, Jasiukaitis P| | PubMed
  20. Intraoperative Management of Liver Transplant Patients Without the Routine Use of Renal Replacement Therapy.
    Adelmann D, Olmos A, Liu LL, Feiner JR, Roll GR, Burdine L, Tavakol M, Syed S, Orandi BJ, Niemann CU| | PubMed
  21. Central venous pressure monitoring in living donor kidney recipients does not affect immediate graft function: A propensity score analysis.
    Adelmann D, Bicknell L, Niemann CU, Feiner J, Roll GR, Burdine L, Whitlock EL| | PubMed
  22. Four Types of Pulse Oximeters Accurately Detect Hypoxia during Low Perfusion and Motion.
    Louie A, Feiner JR, Bickler PE, Rhodes L, Bernstein M, Lucero J| | PubMed
  23. Comparison of Transcranial Doppler and Ultrasound-Tagged Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Measuring Relative Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow in Human Subjects.
    Lipnick MS, Cahill EA, Feiner JR, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  24. Effects of Changes in Arterial Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Partial Pressures on Cerebral Oximeter Performance.
    Schober A, Feiner JR, Bickler PE, Rollins MD| | PubMed
  25. Changes in transcranial motor evoked potentials during hemorrhage are associated with increased serum propofol concentrations.
    Lieberman JA, Feiner J, Rollins M, Lyon R, Jasiukaitis P| | PubMed
  26. Incidence and Management of Umbilical Artery Flow Abnormalities during Open Fetal Surgery.
    Sinskey JL, Rollins MD, Whitlock E, Moon-Grady AJ, Vu L, Feiner JR, Ferschl MB| | PubMed
  27. Effects of Acute, Profound Hypoxia on Healthy Humans: Implications for Safety of Tests Evaluating Pulse Oximetry or Tissue Oximetry Performance.
    Bickler PE, Feiner JR, Lipnick MS, Batchelder P, MacLeod DB, Severinghaus JW| | PubMed
  28. Evaluating Pulmonary Function: An Assessment of PaO2/FIO2.
    Feiner JR, Weiskopf RB| | PubMed
  29. Tissue Oximetry and Clinical Outcomes.
    Bickler P, Feiner J, Rollins M, Meng L| | PubMed
  30. The Accuracy of 6 Inexpensive Pulse Oximeters Not Cleared by the Food and Drug Administration: The Possible Global Public Health Implications.
    Lipnick MS, Feiner JR, Au P, Bernstein M, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  31. In Reply.
    Whitlock EL, Feiner JR, Chen LL| | PubMed
  32. The Accuracy of Pulse Spectroscopy for Detecting Hypoxemia and Coexisting Methemoglobin or Carboxyhemoglobin.
    Kulcke A, Feiner J, Menn I, Holmer A, Hayoz J, Bickler P| | PubMed
  33. Predicting mortality in the intensive care unit: a comparison of the University Health Consortium expected probability of mortality and the Mortality Prediction Model III.
    Lipshutz AK, Feiner JR, Grimes B, Gropper MA| | PubMed
  34. Impact of a quality improvement project on deceased organ donor management.
    Olmos A, Feiner J, Hirose R, Swain S, Blasi A, Roberts JP, Niemann CU| | PubMed
  35. Perioperative Mortality, 2010 to 2014: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using the National Anesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry.
    Whitlock EL, Feiner JR, Chen LL| | PubMed
  36. Therapeutic Hypothermia in Deceased Organ Donors and Kidney-Graft Function.
    Niemann CU, Feiner J, Swain S, Bunting S, Friedman M, Crutchfield M, Broglio K, Hirose R, Roberts JP, Malinoski D| | PubMed
  37. Alfentanil during rapid sequence induction with thiopental 4 mg/kg and rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg: tracheal intubation conditions.
    Abou-Arab MH, Feiner JR, Spigset O, Heier T| | PubMed
  38. A Clinical Trial to Detect Subclinical Transfusion-induced Lung Injury during Surgery.
    Feiner JR, Gropper MA, Toy P, Lieberman J, Twiford J, Weiskopf RB| | PubMed
  39. Pupillary effects of high-dose opioid quantified with infrared pupillometry.
    Rollins MD, Feiner JR, Lee JM, Shah S, Larson M| | PubMed
  40. Effect of hemorrhage and hypotension on transcranial motor-evoked potentials in swine.
    Lieberman JA, Feiner J, Lyon R, Rollins MD| | PubMed
  41. Factors affecting the performance of 5 cerebral oximeters during hypoxia in healthy volunteers.
    Bickler PE, Feiner JR, Rollins MD| | PubMed
  42. Accuracy of the Lifebox pulse oximeter during hypoxia in healthy volunteers.
    Dubowitz G, Breyer K, Lipnick M, Sall JW, Feiner J, Ikeda K, MacLeod DB, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  43. Reversal of experimental paralysis in a human by intranasal neostigmine aerosol suggests a novel approach to the early treatment of neurotoxic envenomation.
    Lewin MR, Bickler P, Heier T, Feiner J, Montauk L, Mensh B| | PubMed
  44. Accuracy of carboxyhemoglobin detection by pulse CO-oximetry during hypoxemia.
    Feiner JR, Rollins MD, Sall JW, Eilers H, Au P, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  45. The effect of deep and awake tracheal extubation on turnover times and postoperative respiratory complications post adenoid-tonsillectomy.
    Menda SK, Gregory GA, Feiner JR, Zwass MS, Ferschl MB| | PubMed
  46. Hemoglobin desaturation after propofol/remifentanil-induced apnea: a study of the recovery of spontaneous ventilation in healthy volunteers.
    Stefanutto TB, Feiner J, Krombach J, Brown R, Caldwell JE| | PubMed
  47. Fresh and stored red blood cell transfusion equivalently induce subclinical pulmonary gas exchange deficit in normal humans.
    Weiskopf RB, Feiner J, Toy P, Twiford J, Shimabukuro D, Lieberman J, Looney MR, Lowell CA, Gropper MA| | PubMed
  48. Sex-related differences in the relationship between acceleromyographic adductor pollicis train-of-four ratio and clinical manifestations of residual neuromuscular block: a study in healthy volunteers during near steady-state infusion of mivacurium.
    Heier T, Feiner JR, Wright PM, Ward T, Caldwell JE| | PubMed
  49. High oxygen partial pressure decreases anemia-induced heart rate increase equivalent to transfusion.
    Feiner JR, Finlay-Morreale HE, Toy P, Lieberman JA, Viele MK, Hopf HW, Weiskopf RB| | PubMed
  50. Quantitative tissue oxygen measurement in multiple organs using 19F MRI in a rat model.
    Liu S, Shah SJ, Wilmes LJ, Feiner J, Kodibagkar VD, Wendland MF, Mason RP, Hylton N, Hopf HW, Rollins MD| | PubMed
  51. Donor pre-treatment with everolimus or cyclosporine does not reduce ischaemia-reperfusion injury in a rat kidney transplant model.
    Martinez-Palli G, Hirose R, Liu T, Xu F, Dang K, Feiner J, Serkova NJ, Niemann CU| | PubMed
  52. Relationship between normalized adductor pollicis train-of-four ratio and manifestations of residual neuromuscular block: a study using acceleromyography during near steady-state concentrations of mivacurium.
    Heier T, Caldwell JE, Feiner JR, Liu L, Ward T, Wright PM| | PubMed
  53. Improved accuracy of methemoglobin detection by pulse CO-oximetry during hypoxia.
    Feiner JR, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  54. Emergent orthotopic liver transplantation for hemorrhage from a giant cavernous hepatic hemangioma: case report and review.
    Vagefi PA, Klein I, Gelb B, Hameed B, Moff SL, Simko JP, Fix OK, Eilers H, Feiner JR, Ascher NL, Freise CE, Bass NM| | PubMed
  55. Quality improvement in transplant anesthesia: which way forward?
    Niemann CU, Feiner J| | PubMed
  56. Accuracy of methemoglobin detection by pulse CO-oximetry during hypoxia.
    Feiner JR, Bickler PE, Mannheimer PD| | PubMed
  57. Acute kidney injury during liver transplantation as determined by neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin.
    Niemann CU, Walia A, Waldman J, Davio M, Roberts JP, Hirose R, Feiner J| | PubMed
  58. Relative efficacy of transcranial motor evoked potentials, mechanically-elicited electromyography, and evoked EMG to assess nerve root function during sustained retraction in a porcine model.
    Lyon R, Lieberman JA, Feiner J, Burch S| | PubMed
  59. Predictors associated with terminal renal function in deceased organ donors in the intensive care unit.
    Blasi-Ibanez A, Hirose R, Feiner J, Freise C, Stock PG, Roberts JP, Niemann CU| | PubMed
  60. Red blood cell age and function.
    Weiskopf RB, Feiner J, Toy P| | PubMed
  61. The efficacy of motor evoked potentials in fixed sagittal imbalance deformity correction surgery.
    Lieberman JA, Lyon R, Feiner J, Hu SS, Berven SH| | PubMed
  62. Dark skin decreases the accuracy of pulse oximeters at low oxygen saturation: the effects of oximeter probe type and gender.
    Feiner JR, Severinghaus JW, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  63. Visual loss after spinal surgery.
    Weiskopf RB, Feiner J, Lieberman J, Hu SS| | PubMed
  64. Central venous pressure monitoring during living right donor hepatectomy.
    Niemann CU, Feiner J, Behrends M, Eilers H, Ascher NL, Roberts JP| | PubMed
  65. The effect of age on motor evoked potentials in children under propofol/isoflurane anesthesia.
    Lieberman JA, Lyon R, Feiner J, Diab M, Gregory GA| | PubMed
  66. Fresh blood and aged stored blood are equally efficacious in immediately reversing anemia-induced brain oxygenation deficits in humans.
    Weiskopf RB, Feiner J, Hopf H, Lieberman J, Finlay HE, Quah C, Kramer JH, Bostrom A, Toy P| | PubMed
  67. Designing and testing a computer-based screening system for transfusion-related acute lung injury.
    Finlay HE, Cassorla L, Feiner J, Toy P| | PubMed
  68. Effects of skin pigmentation on pulse oximeter accuracy at low saturation.
    Bickler PE, Feiner JR, Severinghaus JW| | PubMed
  69. Acute isovolemic anemia impairs central processing as determined by P300 latency.
    Weiskopf RB, Toy P, Hopf HW, Feiner J, Finlay HE, Takahashi M, Bostrom A, Songster C, Aminoff MJ| | PubMed
  70. Mild hypothermia, but not propofol, is neuroprotective in organotypic hippocampal cultures.
    Feiner JR, Bickler PE, Estrada S, Donohoe PH, Fahlman CS, Schuyler JA| | PubMed
  71. Progressive suppression of motor evoked potentials during general anesthesia: the phenomenon of "anesthetic fade".
    Lyon R, Feiner J, Lieberman JA| | PubMed
  72. No effect of MDR1 C3435T variant on loperamide disposition and central nervous system effects.
    Pauli-Magnus C, Feiner J, Brett C, Lin E, Kroetz DL| | PubMed
  73. Acute isovolemic anemia does not impair peripheral or central nerve conduction.
    Weiskopf RB, Aminoff MJ, Hopf HW, Feiner J, Viele MK, Watson JJ, Ho R, Songster C, Toy P| | PubMed
  74. Heart rate increases linearly in response to acute isovolemic anemia.
    Weiskopf RB, Feiner J, Hopf H, Viele MK, Watson JJ, Lieberman J, Kelley S, Toy P| | PubMed
  75. Oxygen reverses deficits of cognitive function and memory and increased heart rate induced by acute severe isovolemic anemia.
    Weiskopf RB, Feiner J, Hopf HW, Viele MK, Watson JJ, Kramer JH, Ho R, Toy P| | PubMed
  76. Productivity versus availability as a measure of faculty clinical responsibility.
    Feiner JR, Miller RD, Hickey RF| | PubMed
  77. Epinephrine increases the neurotoxic potential of intrathecally administered lidocaine in the rat.
    Hashimoto K, Hampl KF, Nakamura Y, Bollen AW, Feiner J, Drasner K| | PubMed
  78. Hemoglobin desaturation after succinylcholine-induced apnea: a study of the recovery of spontaneous ventilation in healthy volunteers.
    Heier T, Feiner JR, Lin J, Brown R, Caldwell JE| | PubMed
  79. Subcutaneous perfusion and oxygen during acute severe isovolemic hemodilution in healthy volunteers.
    Hopf HW, Viele M, Watson JJ, Feiner J, Weiskopf R, Hunt TK, Noorani M, Yeap H, Ho R, Toy P| | PubMed
  80. Electrocardiographic ST-segment changes during acute, severe isovolemic hemodilution in humans.
    Leung JM, Weiskopf RB, Feiner J, Hopf HW, Kelley S, Viele M, Lieberman J, Watson J, Noorani M, Pastor D, Yeap H, Ho R, Toy P| | PubMed
  81. Acute severe isovolemic anemia impairs cognitive function and memory in humans.
    Weiskopf RB, Kramer JH, Viele M, Neumann M, Feiner JR, Watson JJ, Hopf HW, Toy P| | PubMed
  82. Fatigue during acute isovolemic anemiain healthy, resting humans.
    Toy P, Feiner J, Viele MK, Watson J, Yeap H, Weiskopf RB| | PubMed
  83. Critical oxygen delivery in conscious humans is less than 7.3 ml O2 x kg(-1) x min(-1).
    Lieberman JA, Weiskopf RB, Kelley SD, Feiner J, Noorani M, Leung J, Toy P, Viele M| | PubMed
  84. Tidal volume, PaCO2, and lung injury.
    Gregory GA, Feiner J, Severinghaus JW| | PubMed
  85. Human cardiovascular and metabolic response to acute, severe isovolemic anemia.
    Weiskopf RB, Viele MK, Feiner J, Kelley S, Lieberman J, Noorani M, Leung JM, Fisher DM, Murray WR, Toy P, Moore MA| | PubMed
  86. Interactive effects of pH and temperature on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor activity in rat cortical brain slices.
    Gray AT, Buck LT, Feiner JR, Bickler PE| | PubMed
  87. Exercise-induced VA/Q inequality in subjects with prior high-altitude pulmonary edema.
    Podolsky A, Eldridge MW, Richardson RS, Knight DR, Johnson EC, Hopkins SR, Johnson DH, Michimata H, Grassi B, Feiner J, Kurdak SS, Bickler PE, Severinghaus JW, Wagner PD| | PubMed
  88. Pulmonary hemodynamic response to exercise in subjects with prior high-altitude pulmonary edema.
    Eldridge MW, Podolsky A, Richardson RS, Johnson DH, Knight DR, Johnson EC, Hopkins SR, Michimata H, Grassi B, Feiner J, Kurdak SS, Bickler PE, Wagner PD, Severinghaus JW| | PubMed
  89. Volatile and intravenous anesthetics decrease glutamate release from cortical brain slices during anoxia.
    Bickler PE, Buck LT, Feiner JR| | PubMed
  90. Hypoxic ventilatory response predicts the extent of maximal breath-holds in man.
    Feiner JR, Bickler PE, Severinghaus JW| | PubMed
  91. Hemodynamic effects of intermittent pneumatic compression of the legs.
    Unger RJ, Feiner JR| | PubMed